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• Studies Scientists, and false myths about people with creencias natural tendency to use the left side of your body
A veces cuando los niños zurdos scribes su trabajo be Mancha (Getty)
Zurdo continues to be a handicap in siendo muchos lugares del mundo, where people who Tienen an innate tendency to use the left part of your body with juegan disadvantage in relation to the inhabitants that diestros mismo en su territorio. Evidentemente in the Netherlands as our poco a poco caído have the false myths, superstitions and creencias during years that have passed on in a negative way in the life of the zurdos. Not However, Todavia is mucho camino por go.
Para dar Visibilidad the populations comparte minoritario this phenotype in the human species, since 1976 is celebrated every August 13 the International Day of Zurdo -aunque not empezó conmemorarse to a global level until 1992. Con reason for this conclusion, repasamos y algunas de las curiosidades with the peculiarities Related zurdera.
Minority Zurda
It estimates that only between 10 and 15% of the planet's inhabitants are zurdos, aunque the proportion of people with cerebral hemisphere dominance Right cambia will depend on the geographical area that I study. In Spain there is a 12% zurdos, según las últimas Statistics.
During centuries people have zurdas tenido to resist the persecution and the marginalization of social por el hecho por defects using the Left hand or foot in the accomplishment of your body cotidianas Labor. Por ejemplo, the Inquisition and the reading will judge encarcelar with the argument that the zurdos eran work of the Devil. Today in Todavia algunos países, like the Japanese, they reprime the use of the left side of the cuerpo. For this reason there are only Japanese in the country oficialmente 2% Zurda populations.
Both hemisferios the brain, the Right and the Left (File)
Diestros fear impositions
The consecuencia zurdera is to suppress the existence of people who are afraid diestras obligations. Sin ir más lejos in Spain zurdos eran los escribir forzados to yesteryear with the right side Arriving inclusive infligirles castigos Físicos por el hecho of use left. Los zurdos puedes tener algunas trabas the time escribir puesto that hecho that the writing is realice conventionally from left to right ago that algunos the resulting difficult to see what are escribiendo and adopt positions uncomfortable and less functional, as the position of the hook hand. However, there Técnicas y varias tabacco para estas correct positions.
pejorative lexicon
The negative vision during centuries Humanity has tenido of people with a natural tendency desenvolverse with the left side of your body is traspasado lexicon. In this sentido se sabe which case the term "Accident" or "Accident" Do I sinistery the word 'Latin, which means "left." A palabra that suele referirse for use in accidents or malicious or perverse things. Mientras someone "Diestro" is someone skilled or an expert in art u oficio.
The sinistrofobia was the miedo a las cosas ubicadas left to catch things with the left hand or bien los zurdos. People who desarrollan phobia is fear grab objects with the left hand by fear that puedan malas witty things, that it produce up mucha Anxiety and panic attack.
Miembros de Tres Generaciones is different dan la mano (LV File)
Lower longevity
Los Psychologists and Diane F. Halpern Stanley Coren publicaron 1988 study in the journal Nature Do ?, right-handers live longer a theory that three years after volvieron exponent with an article in Psychological Bulletin titulado Left-handedness: a marker for decreased survival fitness. In this research the people who Psychologists sostenían zurdas VIVEN nueve años media unless the diestros. A thesis has been refuted by studios afterwards. However, this hypothesis has conseguido set on the Internet, where multiple páginas webs and the like cierta reproduce.
The gene zurdo
A group of Scientists of the University of Oxford in 2007 Hall a gene that is associated with the propensity to use more of the right side or the left. The research, published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry american, explains that the people you put LRRTM1 gene responsible modify the asymmetry of the brain, are habitualmente zurdas. The researchers, 40 Scientists from more than 20 centers, which also señalaron this January also predispose to psychiatric Development Diseases such as schizophrenia, aunque reconocieron the immense Most of the zurdos nunca llega a sufrir this pathology.
Creative and great, ¿Truth or Myth?
Some Theories suggest that the zurdos are more Intelligent porque they use in the mayor medida Right hemisphere of brain, an area where you will locate the most part abstract and emotional ser humano. However, it is scientifically ya you check that intelligence is not concentrated in a specific area of ​​the brain. De hecho, a scientific study of Josh Goodman of Harvard University in the US reveals that the zurdos, Tienen approximately 12% more revenue than the diestros bajo y hay that proportionally less than Universitarios zurdos diestros.
